Saturday 8 November 2014

Assembly program to convert Centigrade (Celsius) to Fahrenheit temperature measuring scales

     T    DB ?
     RES  DB 10 DUP ('$')
    MOV AH,9
    INT 21H  
    MOV AH,1
    INT 21H
    SUB AL,30H
    MOV AH,0
    MOV BL,10
    MUL BL
    MOV AH,1
    INT 21H
    SUB AL,30H
    MOV AH,0
    MOV T,AL
    MOV DL,9
    MUL DL
    MOV BL,5
    DIV BL
    MOV AH,0
    ADD AL,32
    MOV AH,9
    INT 21H 
    MOV AH,9
    INT 21H 
    MOV AH,4CH
    INT 21H        
    MOV CX,0
    MOV BX,10
       DIV BX
       ADD DL,30H
       PUSH DX
       INC CX
       CMP AX,9
       JG LOOP1
       ADD AL,30H
       MOV [SI],AL
       INC SI
       MOV [SI],AL
       LOOP LOOP2
HEX2DEC ENDP           

Explanation : 

In this Assembly Language Programming, A single program is divided into four Segments which are 1. Data Segment, 2. Code Segment, 3. Stack Segment, and 4. Extra  Segment. Now, from these one is compulsory i.e. Code Segment if at all you don’t need variable(s) for your program.if you need variable(s) for your program you will need two Segments i.e. Code Segment and Data Segment.
CODE SEGMENT is the starting point of the Code Segment in a Program and CODE is the name given to this segment and SEGMENT is the keyword for defining Segments, Where we can write the coding of the program.
In this Assembly Language Programming, their are Different Registers present for Different Purpose So we have to assume DATA is the name given to Data Segment register and CODE is the name given to Code Segment register (SS,ES are used in the same way as CS,DS )
START is the label used to show the starting point of the code which is written in the Code Segment. : is used to define a label as in C programming.
After Assuming DATA and CODE Segment, Still it is compulsory to initialize Data Segment to DS register.  MOV is a keyword to move the second element into the first element. But we cannot move DATA Directly to DS due to MOV commands restriction, Hence we move DATA to AX and then from AX to DS. AX is the first and most important register in the ALU unit. This part is also called INITIALIZATION OF DATA SEGMENT and It is important so that the Data elements or variables in the DATA Segment are made accessable. Other Segments are not needed to be initialized, Only assuming is enhalf.
LEA DX,MSG1           MOV AH,9       INT 21H
The above three line code is used to print String or Message present in the character Array till $  symbol which tells the compiler to stop.
Now, lets understand line by line
LEA DX,MSG1 in this LEA stands for LOAD EFFECTIVE ADDRESS and it loads the effective address of second element into the first element.  This same code can be interchangably written as MOV DX, OFFSET MSG1 where OFFSET  means effective address and MOV means move  second element into the first element.
The above two line code is used to PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register.
Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 9 or 9h, That means PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register.
Now, We have to Scan two values from the Screen BY reading two individual Character and convert it back to the original value entered. What we will do is except 25 in this 32H and 35H will be two ASCII values received. From 32H first digit substract 30H i.e. 32 -30 = 2, Muliply two with 10 to get 20 i.e. 2*10 = 20, 35h will From 35H Second digit substract 30H i.e. 35 -30 = 5, Add five with 20 to get i.e. 20 + 5 = 25.
MOV AH,1     INT 21H
The above two line code is used to Read a Character from Console (First Digit).
Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 1 or 1h, That means READ a Character from Console, Echo it on screen and save the value entered in AL register.
SUB AL,30H     MOV AH,0
Convert AL to its BCD form. This can be done by subtracting 30H i.e. SUB AL,30H. The value coming from Console is Basically in ASCII form. eg. When you enter 5 we see 35H,So by subtracting 30H we get back to value as 5. SUB AL,30H means subtracting 30H from AL. MOV AH,0 is used to clear the unwanted value (garbage value) in AH register is removed by assigning ZERO to it.
Now, Let me tell you why we need to clear AH register. Because we will Multiply AL register by 10. and If we do not clear unwanted value we will get Wrong Product.
MOV BL,10     MUL BL     MOV BL,AL
The above three line code is used to Move 10 to BL register and Multiply 10 with AL register
MUL 10 cannot be used hence We first move 10 to BL register i.e. MOV BL,10. After that MUL BL in this line BX register will be Multiplied with AX register (BY DEFAULT) in which the resultant value of 10X is present. MOV BL,AL is used to move Result to BL.
MOV AH,1     INT 21H
The above two line code is used to Read a Character from Console(Second Digit).
Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 1 or 1h, That means READ a Character from Console, Echo it on screen and save the value entered in AL register.
SUB AL,30H     MOV AH,0     ADD AL,BL     MOV T,AL
Convert AL to its BCD form. This can be done by subtracting 30H i.e. SUB AL,30H. The value coming from Console is Basically in ASCII form. eg. When you enter 5 we see 35H,So by subtracting 30H we get back to value as 5. SUB AL,30H means subtracting 30H from AL. MOV AH,0 is used to clear the unwanted value (garbage value) in AH register is removed by assigning ZERO to it. ADD AL,BL adding AL with BL register to get the Original Value entered by User. MOV T,AL means move value in AL register into variable T.
Now, Let me tell you why we need to clear AH register. Because we will Multiply AL register by 10. and If we do not clear unwanted value we will get Wrong Product.
The above line code is used to Multiply AX register by 9 i.e. Celsius value present in AX register
MUL 9 cannot be used hence We first move 9 to DL register i.e. MOV DL,9. After that MUL DL in this line DL register will be Multiplied with AX register (BY DEFAULT) in which the Temperature in Celsius value is present. Now, This will give (Celsius * 9).
The above line code is used to Divide AX register by 5 i.e. (Celsius * 9) value present in AX register
DIV 5 cannot be used hence We first move 5 to BL register i.e. MOV BL,5. After that DIV BL in this line value in BL register will Divide  AX register (BY DEFAULT) in which the resultant value of (Celsius * 9) is present. Now, This will give (Celsius * 9 / 5).
MOV AH,0        ADD AL,32
The above line code is used to ADD 32 to BX register and Store the resultant { (Celsius * 9 / 5) + 32 } in it. MOV AH,0 is used to clear the unwanted value (garbage value) in AH register is removed by assigning ZERO to it. ADD AL,32  is used to ADD AL register to 32  and Store the resultant { (Celsius * 9 / 5) + 32 } in it.
The above Two line code is used to initialize RES to SI register and Call Procedure HEX2DEC which will covert AX register value as result and Print it on user screen.
LEA SI,RES is used to Load Effective Address of RES variable to SI Register. CALL HEX2DEC is used to Call a Procedure named HEX2DEC
LEA DX,MSG2       MOV AH,9       INT 21H 
The above two line code is used to PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register i.e. for MSG2.
LEA DX,RES     MOV AH,9     INT 21H
The above three line code is used to print String or Message present in the character Array till $  symbol which tells the compiler to stop. As we have initialized all the values in an Array to $ you will think what will be printed. The procedure is going to change the Array to its Resultant Decimal equivalent printable form i.e. ASCII form of a digit number.
Now, lets understand line by line
LEA DX,RES in this LEA stands for LOAD EFFECTIVE ADDRESS and it loads the effective address of second element into the first element.  This same code can be interchangably written as MOV DX, OFFSET RES where OFFSET  means effective address and MOV means move  second element into the first element.
The above two line code is used to PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register.
Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 9 or 9h, That means PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register.
MOV AH,4CH       INT 21H
The above two line code is used to exit to dos or exit to operating system. Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 4ch, That means Return to Operating System or DOS which is the End of the program.
CODE ENDS is the End point of the Code Segment in a Program. We can write just ENDS But to differentiate the end of which segment it is of which we have to write the same name given to the Code Segment.
PROCEDURE Code starts here: 
Procedure is a part of code that can be called from a program in order to perform specific task.
This line of code is used to start a procedure code and we can make out the procedure by the keyword PROC which tells us the procedure is started. In assembly language we have two types of Procedures one is NEAR and other is FAR. NEAR is used to call the Procedure within the program whereas FAR is used to call the procedure outside the program. HEX2DEC is only the Name given to the Procedure Code.
MOV CX,0 is used to move or assign value 0 (decimal value) to  CX. The program which we are wishing to write is to covert HexaDecimal value to Decimal value, In which we will divide the number till the Quotient is going to be Zero. CX register ( CX is also Called COUNTER). CX register will count the number digit generated by dividing the Hexadecimal number by Base value of Decimal i.e.Ten. MOV BX,10 in this Base value 10 is moved to BX register, So that it is used to divide hexa number by 10.
LOOP1: is a LABEL and all the words ending in colon (:) are Labels. MOV DX,0 is used to clear the unwanted value (garbage value) in DX register is removed by assigning ZERO to it. First Loop starts here.
DIV instruction only works with REG or MEMORY hence we cannot use DIV 10 where 10 is immediate, So we have to move 10 to BX register (we can take any register) this we have already done above and Then DIV BX  Now DIV BX will Divide AX register with 10 which is passed to BX register and Result of division is present in AX register contains Quotientand DX register contains Remainder. Here we will not touch Quotient AX as it will be used for furture Division, But DX Remainder will be Decimal Digit and will always be less than Ten so the value will be in DL register only and to make it printable on Console (Screen) we have to add  30H So that it will become a ASCII character and will be saved in Charater Array and will be printed as String later So ADD DL,30H.
PUSH is a stack function. Stack is an area of memory for keeping temporary data. PUSH and POP are two stack operations which stores or gets 16 bits of data. PUSH DX stores 16 bit data inside DX register into Stack Area. INC is a instruction for Increment the present in Register or Memory. INC CX will increment the value present in CX register by One. Here we are using CX register as a counter and counting the numbers of digits in their ASCII form which are pushed into Stack. So that the same count will help to POP the values out of Stack.
MOV CX,10 is used to move or assign value 10 (decimal value) to  CX. The program which we are wishing to write is to input ten characters from console which will be entered by the user, Hence to do so we need a loop construct. In assembly programming language we have a LOOP instruction. This works with two other helpers which are Label and Counter. The Loop start with LABEL and ends with LOOP instruction with the same LABEL name with it. the execution of the Loop depends on the value in CX register ( CX is also Called COUNTER).
CMP AX,9  is used to compare AX register with 9 and jump if AX is greater to the respective LABEL LOOP1. The result of Comparision is not stored anywhere, but flags are set according to result.  is Short Jump if first operand is Greater then second operand (as set by CMP instruction). Signed. SECOND is the label where the compiler will JUMP. First Loop ends here. Note :- this loop is without LOOP keyword and depends upon the number to be converted.
ADD AL,30H The Last Remainder will be Decimal Digit in AX register only as the number cannot be divided future and will always be less than Ten so the value will be in AL register only and to make it printable on Console (Screen) we have to add  30H So that it will become a ASCII character and will be saved in Charater Array and will be printed as String later. MOV [SI],AL Saving the Characters in Character Array (i.e. String) is done by Moving AL register to Address of SI register which is represented in Square Brackets i.e. [SI]. SI is assigned with the Character Array i.e. RES.
LOOP2: is a LABEL and all the words ending in colon (:) are Labels. POP is a stack function. Stack is an area of memory for keeping temporary data. PUSH and POP are two stack operations which stores or gets 16 bits of data. POP AX gets 16 bit data to AX register from Top of Stack. INC CX will increment the value present in CX register by One. Here we are using CX register as a counter and counting the numbers of digits in their ASCII form which are pushed into Stack. So that the same count will help to POP the values out of Stack and save it in AX register. Second Loop starts here.
The values out of Stack saved in AX register saved in string in this Loop. MOV [SI],AL Saving the Characters in Character Array (i.e. String) is done by Moving AL register to Address of SI register which is represented in Square Brackets i.e. [SI]. SI is assigned with the Character Array i.e. RES.
This end of loop. In assembly programming language we have a LOOP instruction. This works with two other helpers which are Label and Counter. The Loop start with LABEL and ends with LOOP instruction with the same LABEL name with it. the execution of the Loop depends on the value in CX register ( CX is also Called COUNTER).
RET is a return instruction. This instruction is used only if  the control is been passed to the code outside Main like to Procedure. this return the control to the place where the Procudure was called.
HEX2DEC ENDP is the End point of the Procedure in a Program.
This line of code is used to end the procedure code and we can make out the procedure by the keyword ENDP which tells us the procedure is ended. In assembly language we have two types of Procedures one is NEAR and other is FAR. NEAR is used to call the Procedure within the program whereas FAR is used to call the procedure outside the program. HEX2DEC is only the Name given to the Procedure Code.
END START is the end of the label used to show the ending point of the code which is written in the Code Segment.

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