Saturday, 8 November 2014

Assembly program to read in two decimal inputs and print out the smaller of the two, in decimal

     NUM1 DB ?
     NUM2 DB ?
     MSG3 DB 10,13,"SMALLER NUMBER IS : $"
      MOV DS,AX
      LEA DX,MSG1
      MOV AH,9
      INT 21H
      MOV AH,1
      INT 21H
      MOV NUM1,AL
      LEA DX,MSG2
      MOV AH,9
      INT 21H
      MOV AH,1
      INT 21H
      MOV NUM2,AL
      LEA DX,MSG3
      MOV AH,9
      INT 21H
      MOV AL,NUM1
      CMP AL,NUM2
        MOV DL,NUM1
        INT 21H
        JMP EXIT
        MOV DL,NUM2
        INT 21H
      INT 21H     

Explanation : 
In this Assembly Language Programming, A single program is divided into four Segments which are 1. Data Segment, 2. Code Segment, 3. Stack Segment, and 4. Extra  Segment. Now, from these one is compulsory i.e. Code Segment if at all you don’t need variable(s) for your program.if you need variable(s) for your program you will need two Segments i.e. Code Segment and Data Segment.
CODE SEGMENT is the starting point of the Code Segment in a Program and CODE is the name given to this segment and SEGMENT is the keyword for defining Segments, Where we can write the coding of the program.
In this Assembly Language Programming, their are Different Registers present for Different Purpose So we have to assume DATA is the name given to Data Segment register and CODE is the name given to Code Segment register (SS,ES are used in the same way as CS,DS )
START is the label used to show the starting point of the code which is written in the Code Segment. : is used to define a label as in C programming.
After Assuming DATA and CODE Segment, Still it is compulsory to initialize Data Segment to DS register.  MOV is a keyword to move the second element into the first element. But we cannot move DATA Directly to DS due to MOV commands restriction, Hence we move DATA to AX and then from AX to DS. AX is the first and most important register in the ALU unit. This part is also called INITIALIZATION OF DATA SEGMENT and It is important so that the Data elements or variables in the DATA Segment are made accessable. Other Segments are not needed to be initialized, Only assuming is enhalf.
LEA DX,MSG1             MOV AH,9       INT 21H
The above three line code is used to print String or Message present in the character Array till $  symbol which tells the compiler to stop.
Now, lets understand line by line
LEA DX,MSG1  in this LEA stands for LOAD EFFECTIVE ADDRESS and it loads the effective address of second element into the first element.  This same code can be interchangably written as MOV DX, OFFSET MSG1 where OFFSET  means effective address and MOV means move  second element into the first element.
The above two line code is used to PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register.
Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 9 or 9h, That means PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register.
MOV AH,1       INT 21H        MOV NUM1,AL
The above Four line code is used to Read a Character from Console and save the value entered in variable NUM1 in its ASCII form. When you enter 5 we see 35H,So by comparing 30H or 35H we get ASCII value unchanged as we have to print the smaller back to console.
Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 1 or 1h, That means READ a Character from Console, Echo it on screen and save the value entered in AL register.
MOV NUM1,AL  means move value in AL register into variable NUM1.
LEA DX,MSG2       MOV AH,9       INT 21H 
The above two line code is used to PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register i.e. for MSG2.       MOV AH,1       INT 21H       MOV NUM2,AL
The above Four line code is used to Read a Character from Console and save the value entered in variable NUM2 in its ASCII form.
LEA DX,MSG3       MOV AH,9       INT 21H
The above two line code is used to PRINT the String or Message of the address present in DX register i.e. for MSG3.
The above line code is to move NUM1 to AL register as we want to compare NUM1 with NUM2.
The above two line code is used to compare two variables and jump to the respective LABEL.
As we know the programs work only with the instructions in the instruction set. Instruction ADD is used to add to numbers in the following permutations above. REG stands for Registers (Eg.  AX, BX, CX, DX ). memory stands for Variable or Address. immediate stands for Numbers or Values. Let us understand the meanings of the above permutations.
First permutation :- REG , memory means Register can be added with memory.
Second permutation :- memory , REG means memory can be added with Register.
Third permutation :- REG, REG means Register can be added with Register.
Fourth permutation :- memory , immediate means memory can be added with immediate.
Fifth permutation :- REG, immediate means Register can be added with immediate.
Note :- In the permutations above it will work only in the order mentioned above and not by interchanging the first to second and second to first.
Now, we have understood part of it to add to number we can write CMP NUM1, NUM2, But there is no permutation for CMP memory, memory, Hence we have to send one number to AL or AX depending on DB or DW. The result of Comparision is not stored anywhere, but flags are set according to result.
JG SECOND is Short Jump if first operand is Greater then second operand (as set by CMP instruction). Signed. SECOND is the label where the compiler will JUMP.
FIRST:  MOV AH,2         MOV DL,NUM1         INT 21H         JMP EXIT
The above Four line code is used to Write a Character on Console present in DL register i.e. NUM1.
Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 2 or 2h, That means WRITE a Character on Console present in DL register hence the value to be printed is moved to DL register. Here we are printing NUM1 variable. JMP is Unconditional Jump. Label FIRST is to tell that first number is going to be printed and If there is no JUMP in between then Label SECOND will be printed showing both Variables on console. Hence   JMP EXIT so that Label SECOND is not executed.

SECOND: MOV AH,2         MOV DL,NUM2         INT 21H
The above Three line code is used to Write a Character on Console present in DL register i.e. NUM2.
EXIT: MOV AH,4CH       INT 21H
The above two line code is used to exit to dos or exit to operating system. Standard Input and Standard Output related Interupts are found in INT 21H which is also called as DOS interrupt. It works with the value of AH register, If the Value is 4ch, That means Return to Operating System or DOS which is the End of the program.
CODE ENDS is the End point of the Code Segment in a Program. We can write just ENDS But to differentiate the end of which segment it is of which we have to write the same name given to the Code Segment.
END START is the end of the label used to show the ending point of the code which is written in the Code Segment.

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